The Impaired Grappler

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Intersecting Perspectives

Living in a truly multicultural society and in having access to people from all over the world you get to see intersecting perspectives. Different cultures, religions, etc, all co-exist in a friendly environment. Of course there will be pockets of resistance within a society, hold outs of all dogmas, ideologies, who stick to their ways but the vast majority of people in the world can live in peace and harmony with each other and share intersecting perspectives.

If you can find a common interest with someone then you can use that as a base to build solid relationships, friendships and truly multicultural communities. If we focus on the negatives, the differences, then we will have hostile relationships, building animosity, often with dire consequences. If you transmit negativity you will attract negativity in your life. In other words, if you concentrate on the negative things in life then you will attract more negativity or manifest it, like a crutch.

If you can focus on your intersecting perspectives first then you can build a relationship with a foundation of love and mutual respect. For me, Jiu-Jitsu is the intersecting perspective where I have been able to build solid relationships with all demographics. The added fact that the nature of Jiu-Jitsu is humbling and ego deflating as you are trusting your life to your partner and vice versa. Jiu-Jitsu is bridge building on steroids and helps you face adversity and build confidence in a fairly safe environment. For you it might be music, cars, sports... Whatever it is focus on the intersecting perspectives first to build solid relations with people from different groups. Maybe when we do that we can truly be the open, caring, multicultural society we think we are, free from bigotry and hate.


Flinders Street Station, Melbourne